The Academic and Training Trograms Include:-
1-General English Program (GEP).
Acknowledging the positive effect of languages in expand students’ horizons, most countries and communities, nowadays, have adopted the teaching requirements of one or more foreign languages in their educational system by including such approach in their educational strategies and curricula at all levels.

The emphasis on the relevance of English does not at all imply the negation of other languages. In fact, languages such as Arabic, French, Spanish, Russian, German, Italian and others are all of the great importance.
Nevertheless, our focus here is on English, because, it is the common spoken language among other languages.
Language is presented in six stages of study, starting at the Beginner stage, the Elementary stage for juniors, followed by the Pre-intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-intermediate and the Advanced stage. Each of these stages may be sub-divided into several levels according to each stage. The credit hours and time frame for each stage to be determined and announced in a special schedule issued by the Academy administration.
Students will be trained on the basic language aspects of Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking, with a focus on integrating all aspects with the end goal of effective and independent communication skills.
Applicants will be subjected to a replacement examination, if they were not previously enrolled in the Academy, and are assigned according to grades obtained to the relevant level.
After completing the requirements of any level, student will be granted a certificate stating that he / she has passed that level.
2. English Language for Special Purposes Program (ESP):-

This program includes four main tracks:
I-The use of language in specific fields;
This program aims to improve the abilities and language skills of the workers in the different specialized fields, and to familiarize them with the scientific terms and expressions in their field. They are also taught how and when to use them in the correct locations, when communicating with others, or when writing technical reports related to the profession.
II. The use of language in the translation and Interpretation business;
Translation and interpretation of various types in Libya and abroad are important and of urgent needs. Graduates of English language departments who wish to study and be specialized the field of translation and interpretation, are exhibiting growing interest in this field. This program is dedicated to teach and train students on the bases, rules and methods of practicing translation and interpretation properly with the necessary efficiency and accuracy.
III. The use of language in children education;
This program is designed especially for children, where appropriate specially designed courses and syllabus will be chosen to suit their age and wishes. These courses to be held mostly during the summer school holidays, and designed to be in playful way to emerge in a foreign language learning through exploitation.
IV. The use of language in qualify for international examinations;
These courses aim to improve and develop the abilities of students wishing to apply for international examinations in English, such as the IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge and others.

3 – Capacity Building and Development Program.
This program offers a series of training courses and workshops, directly related to the development and rehabilitation of human capacities of employees in the State institutions, companies and private sector, as well as civil society organizations.
Activities are conducted in Arabic and English; for those who wish to attend them in English they have to pass the pre-intermediate replacement exam. It is also possible to design specialized quality courses with defined objectives, contents and time frames in consultation with, and, at the request of the entity wishing to train.